Empowering Minds with Financial Literacy at Northern Alberta’s Junior Achievement
Trinity Funeral Homes Advanced Planning and Final Arrangement Guide.
The death of a loved one is a challenging time. Having dedicated professionals on your side can help replace confusion with calm and instead allow you to direct your focus toward supporting your relatives, friends and honouring your loved one.
CPP In Retirement - You May Not Get As Much As You Think.
CPP is also known as the Public Pension. It’s available in retirement if you meet just a couple of simple tests:
Be at least 60 years old
Have made at least one valid contribution to the CPP
So, if you’re eligible for CPP and planning to receive the full CPP entitlement in retirement, the only choice to make is whether to take CPP as early as age 60*, right?
Taking Care of Business(es) - Preparation is Key!
Succeeding at business means being prepared even for the things you just cannot control or did not forsee happening. Here’s a quick checklist of five things to see if you’ve got the basics covered.
The Hidden Costs of Fraud
According to the Competition Bureau Canada, recent data indicates Canadians lost a total of $98 Million to fraud last year alone. CPA Canada (Chartered Professional Accountants Canada) has posted a great article to their CPA Canada’s Financial Literacy Blog.